Sunday, 4 September 2011

Information Literacy

I have spent the last 2 weeks researching information literacy definitions and models. Kuhlthau’s ISP model has had a profound effect on me , in particular her ‘Principle of Uncertainty’. It would be my inclination as a facilitator of the learning process, to minimise this uncertainty but according to Kuhlthau, this feeling is essential for initiating the information search process.  I have been able to relate to the increased feelings of uncertainty as research progresses. I have been confronted by it many times over the past few weeks and have just wanted to give up! According to Kuhlthau, no matter how many times a student undertakes this process, this principle of uncertainty will always apply. The ISP has many applications for the teacher librarian as it identifies zones of intervention and appropriate levels of mediation.
I liked the simplicity of the Big6 and how it breaks down a complex task into manageable portions. I also liked that it mentioned the importance of filtering out unwanted information.
I am still not clear as to what the definition of information literacy should be but think that as it reflects society’s information needs and that because these needs are constantly changing, the definition of information literacy will also constantly be changing. I think that the important thing is for the school community to decide on a definition that best reflects the school vision and then use this as a basis for collaboration and integration of information literacy outcomes